VII VOLLI VÕISTLUSED Raudoja jahipiirkond Kohtunikud Mari-Ann Rehk ja Aili Pärtel Beljaev Info Mari-Ann Rehk,, tel 5192 5869
Kohtunik Erika Tribulaite Juneviciene (LT)
CHANGE OF JUDGE! Unfortunatelly Ricardo Torre Simoes will not be able to judge in the show due to health reasons. Breeds assigned to him are are divided between other judges. Schedules and program are updated. At the International Dog Show “Baltic Winner 2024” titles will be awarded: “Baltic Junior Winner 2024“- is awarded to the […]
Info Kristiin Helisalu,, tel 5666 7715
Tali jahipiirkond, Saarde vald Kohtunik Aili Pärtel-Beljaev Lisaingo Aivo Kivitar,, tel 508 6335
Perioodikatse. Saab teha kuni 31. oktoober 2024 Kohtunik Peteris Zvaigzne Lätist Korraldaja ja info: Aili Pärtel-Beljaev,, tel 511 9978
Kohtunikud: Anneli Lints, Ivar Lints Lisainfo: Anneli Lints; tel 527 2306